Thursday, January 17, 2013

My baby isn't a baby anymore...

Today was the first step in figuring out Molly’s future once she turns 3 in May. We met with the school system so they could get to meet us and Molly and answer any questions we may have. Molly greeted them by screaming and crying. They said that was a good developmental reaction. We were thinking “her heart…get her to stop crying” (half joking).

They couldn’t get into too many specifics because they didn’t know too much about her, just what Early Intervention had told them which wasn’t much. They hadn’t even seen her medical plan, or maybe they had and thought “holy crap this is too long. I’ll just have the parents tell me when I get there”.  We listened to what they had to say and went over our concerns which the most important one being germs. We told them how nervous we were about the germs in the class room and her getting sick. Because of her delays she would be in a very tiny class room, only 5 kids or so. The teacher to student ration would be 1:1 unless another student signed up. We liked this and we didn’t like it. We liked it because of the germ factor. This classroom is for kids that are very medically fragile and complex so they are very careful about germs. Lots of Purell, lots of Lysol wipes, she would even have her own bag of balls for the ball pit. She could have all of her therapies right in the class room if that’s what we chose or if we wanted her to go to a music class or circle time in the integrated classroom she could do that too (which she won’t be…boogies). It’s all according to Molly’s needs and what she’ll tolerate. Because each kid in the class is so different each teaching method would be different for each kid. This really excited us and peaked our interest. Now the part that I wasn’t all that excited about. I had told EI ahead of time that I wanted her to be in a class room with kids that were medically challenged but not so challenged that they wouldn’t motivate Molly to walk and talk. I liked the idea of an integrated classroom because there were “normal, healthy” kids and kids that needed a little extra help. I figured the kids that were developmentally on target would motivate her to walk and talk and meet the milestones that she is struggling with. EI agreed with me. Well, unfortunately Molly needs too much attention and help and that is not an option right now. She would be in a class or 5 kids that also need a lot of help. Mostly kids that will never walk or talk and that’s fine because she will get the help that she needs and who knows, maybe she will help them in some way. I don’t know what way that is but she’s really good at saying “go” and getting her way all the time. Our other option is to sign her up just for therapy to start off with and once we feel comfortable she can start preschool. The next step is to take a tour of the school and in March she will have an assessment so they will know her needs and then we will go from there. She will definitely be starting an outpatient rehab program in May which I’m really excited about. I think she’ll love it and thrive and I think it’s what she needs. So while everything is still up in the air I’m very excited to be planning her future because there was a time that we wouldn’t dare make a plan for the next week and now week are talking about sending her off to school!

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