Friday, January 4, 2013

2 Years Already!

On this day, 2 years ago, Jay and I entered Children’s Hospital full of excitement for the very first time. Of course we also felt fear, sadness and anxiety. But mostly excitement…I think. We were taking our baby home for the very first time. It had been 8 long, emotional and exhausting months. Those 8 months were originally only supposed to be a few days. We were never prepared to stay for 8 months. I don’t know if we were ever really prepared for any of this new life. But we quickly learned and adjusted. I only have one child (and she’s trying so hard to keep  it  that way) so I don’t know what it’s like to take a new baby home but my sister had a baby a few years before me so I can kind of compare it to my niece’s homecoming and Molly’s was nothing like that. Everyone could visit my niece and hold her and pass her around. We didn’t allow anyone in our house that wasn’t our parents or a nurse. We picked out her home coming outfit but by the time she actually got to come home it didn’t fit. And by the time she did get to come home her outfit was the last thing on my mind.  Usually when preparing to take your baby home they show you how to clean your baby, feed your baby and change your baby. Set you up with a few diapers and maybe a can of formula and send you on your way. Again, that was not the case for us. We started preparing months before. We had to learn how to change out a trach, change the trach dressing, learn how to perform CPR on a trached baby, give 20 plus medications, make sure we could prime her feeding bag and put it on the feeding pump, follow a schedule to wean her from her sedation meds, follow a schedule to wean her from the ventilator, work the ventilator and O2 concentrator. The list goes on and on. Even with all of these responsibilities we were thrilled to do it all just so we could take her home where she belongs.

The day came so fast and we were so excited but scared, petrified even. This was the only life we had known for 8 months. The cardiac ICU staff became like family to us. The nurses replaced some of the friends we had lost. We loved them so much. After all they were the ones that got to make her better, calm her down when she was sad, spent more time with her than we did, taught us all we needed to know and helped us to find the confidence to take care of her the way she needed. They were no longer going to be a part of our everyday life. We didn’t know what we were going to do without them. The day that Molly was getting discharged we walked in to her room full of balloons. There were pink and white balloons everywhere. I had made a huge sign in the days leading up to her discharge that was hung on the front her of room. Everyone was so happy that we were finally getting out. Wait…were they happy for us or happy they wouldn’t see us anymore? J Either way we were leaving. One of our favorite nurses was on the day we were getting discharged. Ravi, the doctor who did everything for us and for Molly was also there to see us off. It was such an emotional day. I tried to choke back the tears as we said good bye but I couldn’t do it. I wanted to take both of them home with us. Who were we going to ask our questions to? We couldn’t just call ORL to come up or call for a chest x-ray or echo if we thought she needed it. We were completely, 100% on our own. Ravi & Jen walked us down to the car. We hugged them both and said our goodbyes.

This is the moment Molly’s life truly began. She was loaded in and we were on our way. I think it was the longest car ride I had ever taken. We finally arrived at home and Molly was warm, probably from being in the car seat for so long. We took her clothes off and cooled her down. Before we knew it we received a call from Jen checking on us. It was so good to hear from her. We were so nervous. That night I slept on the floor in Molly’s room. She required meds every 2 hours. I felt like I didn’t sleep a wink. My parents had brought over an air mattress the next night so I got to sleep on that. Our night nurse didn’t start right away because we wanted a chance to just be a family at home without any medical staff. As time went on things got easier. We settled into a routine pretty quick. We drew up the meds and did all of the trach care. I ended up leaving my job but quickly found a part time job that allowed me to work from home. We limited the visitors and trips out. As we became more comfortable with Molly’s cares we started to venture out. We didn’t go anywhere where there would be a lot of people. No one’s house (germs), no kids places (germs), no restaurants (germs), well, you get the picture. We disinfected (and still do) everything.

Our trips to Children’s became further and further apart. Days turned into months and now here we are. Two years later! Two years later and she is home and doing so amazing! She is so close to walking. She loves music and TV. She loves to color and paint. She loves to go shopping (thank goodness). She loves to be clean and doesn’t like mess (thank goodness). She doesn’t like to sleep  and doesn’t like to be messed with. We don’t know what the future holds for her medically because she does still have some regurgitation on her mitral valve which will most likely require another open heart surgery at some point in her life and her intestines are still malrotated but we no longer let these issues consume our every thought. We allow ourselves to make plans for the future and we have so much hope for her. She deserves the best and we try every day to make it a good one for her. We spend the majority of our time protecting her from germs and we are starting to meet with the school system about preschool. I can’t believe we are already talking about preschool. She is growing up so fast and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for her. We celebrate every milestone as if she were the only one to ever do it. We want her to feel special all the time because she has been through so much and we want her to always know that she is loved and wanted and she didn’t go through everything she did for nothing. We couldn’t be happier to be her parents and we are so happy that we were the two that were picked.
                                               Day Molly was born

On our way home!!

                               And this was today. She has come so far!

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