Thursday, October 3, 2013

Disney World, Here We Come!

Tomorrow we will wake up and begin the day we have been waiting for for so long. Tomorrow our nerves will be shot, anxiety levels will be high, emotions will be flowing. Tomorrow the limo will arrive at 11:30am to pick us up and bring us to the airport. Tomorrow we will board the plane at 2pm for the very first time as a family. Tomorrow we will arrive in Orlando, FL at 5pm for the vacation that we never thought would happen.

As excited as we are to spend the next 7 days/6 nights at the happiest place on earth, we are also reminded why we are there. We are there because almost 3 ½ years ago the bravest, strongest, most courageous baby entered our lives. She fought harder than anyone we know. She fought so that one day she would be able to live a long and happy life. She fought so that one day she would be able to go to Disney World and now that day has come. While on this trip we will be reminded that Make A Wish has sent us to Disney World because Molly does, in fact, have a life threatening illness. As great as she is at making us forget that, it’s our truth. But we are not going to let it consume us on this trip. We are going to give her the best time. She will get what she wants, do what she wants, eat what she wants. It’s all about her, which isn’t much different from her every day life : ) We got the OK to go on all age appropriate rides with no restrictions and that is what we are going to do. Lots of pictures will be taken and even more memories will be made. There was a time that we didn’t know if something like this would ever happen for her and now it has! There was a time we never dreamed of making this type of plan for our future. There was a time when we wouldn’t think of leaving the state, nevermind getting on a plane and flying so far away from Boston Children’s Hospital. But now we can and that means so much more to us than the destination. She is healthy enough to do all of these things and then some. She is the most amazing little girl, we are going to have an amazing time and she is going to do amazing things with her life! The next week is going to be a week long celebration of Molly, her life, her heart, her journey and her will to live a healthy and happy life! We can’t wait to share this experience with everyone once we come back!

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