Thursday, August 8, 2013

More good news!

During Molly's speech therapy last week her receptive language was tested. I knew that she did well but I did not think she did as well as she did. Three year olds are expected to score between 85-131 and she scored a 98!!!!!!!!!! It is the first time in her life that she has been on target for any developmental milestones and I wanted to jump for joy when she told me the results. Her therapist was also very excited. She said that each week she is making such great progress and she is so happy with where she is and everything that she is doing. I'm sure it's rewarding for her too to see her hard work paying off. Some of the things that she is struggling with are age appropriate and other things are just because she is so delayed but she is making such great progress and it makes us so happy. Especially because we were on a long stretch of having no good news to report in the beginning of her life. It's so great to finally have only good news to tell!

She received her orthodics yesterday. We start off with using them for one hour. If that goes well we bump it to two hours and so on. We put them on her last night and she didn't even care. We took her outside and she was walking long distances without falling...even walking in the grass without falling. Today she wore them for a few hours while we were at therapy. Her PT was very happy with the way she looked in them. She was standing better, her steps were stable and not wobbly. She looks fantastic. She almost never crawls anymore. If she starts to crawl and we tell her to stand up she does it and walks the rest of the way.

27 more days until preschool :(


  1. Awww! This is wonderful news! I am so happy for Molly, and her parents too!

    1. Thank you, Dianna. Your love and support means the world to us!
