Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Keeping Things Interesting

One thing has always been true about Molly and that is that she always keeps things interesting. We had an appointment with Endocrine last week. The day before we went she had to have labs pulled to make sure she was tolerating being off of her thyroid medication. We had stopped it back in May. The only visible change since stopping it was that she was sleeping through the night. Her thyroid level was a little elevated since coming off the medication. It's on the high end of normal. If it goes much higher we will assume that she has a mild case of hypothyroidism and she will be put back on medication.

Next up is GI for Molly's g tube removal. We met with her GI doctor who hasn't seen her in a year. He gave us 3 options when it came to removing her g tube. The first one is to yank it out. He hates doing it that way and it's painful but that was an option. The benefit to that is there isn't any anesthesia involved. Another option is to put her under anesthesia, intubate her, go in and snip the inside, cauterize the site and put a few clips on the inside and hope it closes on it's own. Otherwise it's another trip to the OR. Another option is to just have it closed up while she's in there. That means she will be under anesthesia longer and it's another surgeon that would be involved. He thinks it will close on it's own so that's the route we are going to go. It is a very quick procedure but it doesn't make it any less risky. It doesn't make us worry any less. Yes, this trip to the OR is for a good reason but we are still scared. Any time she is under anesthesia it is risky. Who wants to hand there kid over for surgery no matter how simple the surgery is? No one I know. We know she will be OK but it never gets easier. He told us to expect to spend the night because she's cardiac and her medical history but if she handles everything fine we would be able to go home that day. So surgery is next Friday, Sept. 6th.

We met with Molly's preschool teacher and aide today. Not a big fan of either. I'm not sure if it's because I just don't want her to go to preschool, if I'm just being judgemental or if I really don't like them. She won't be in the classroom very much. Class is only 2 1/2 hours/ day and she will be in therapy for an hour & a half. So I guess we'll see what happens. Her first day is supposed to be next Wednesday unless her preop appointment falls on that day.

Other than that therapy is going great. She loves pool therapy and speech therapy is going really well too. It takes us about 20 minutes to get back to the car because she stops and says bye to everyone we pass. She got used to wearing the braces really quick and doesn't mind them at all. She hasn't crawled in over 2 weeks so I guess it's safe to say she is officially a "walker"!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will fill you in on her first day of school (and who cried more) as well as her surgery. Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!


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