Tuesday, March 20, 2012

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Life has been pretty great lately. It's the first time in I don't even know how long that I've been able to say that. We haven't had a doctors appointment in a few weeks (other than an unexpected RSV vaccine) which makes life seem so normal. Molly has been babbling a lot of words. She has no idea what they are but she says them (as I mentioned in my last post). The other night I was putting her to bed and I said "mama" and she repeated me a few times. She really hasn't done it again since but she will. She never does what I want her to do when I want her to do it but I guess that makes sense because I never did what my mother wanted me to do.

We have had some unusually warm weather in Massachusetts recently and we have been taking advantage of every bit of it when we can. On Sunday we decided to go out to lunch at a real restaurant so we could see how Molly would do. She's been to Wendy's and stuff like that but that is only over the past few months. She did great. She was laughing at the waitress and rubbing the waitresses leg when she came over to the table. Once we were done we were going grocery shopping but it was so nice out and we drove by a park. We pulled over and debated about getting out. We are so afraid of germs but as long as we are so careful there is no reason why she can't do some of the other things that kids do. We put her in the swing and she loved it. It was so great to see her enjoying things that other kids do and some parents take for granted. I took her to the park again today with our friend and her daughter and Molly loved the swings. There wasn't a whole lot more she could do anyway. She was so content just swinging on the swing. There were a bunch of other kids there, some younger. Did I notice that there were younger kids walking around? Yes, but I know that'll be her some day. I know she'll be walking around and I'll be chasing her through a playground but for now this is OK. She is loving her life the way it is and I'm so grateful that she is able to. Because if you told me a year and a half ago that I would be pushing her on a swing I probably would've called you a liar. Never did I think this is the way things were going to turn out and I'm pretty sure there are a hospital full of doctors and nurses that would've agreed with me.

While she was down for her nap I was thinking about how amazing she is doing in all aspects of her development. She literally amazes me everyday. When she got up from her nap I fed her her dinner. We have been working on drinking because that is one of the last steps to getting that g tube out. She won't drink from a bottle or any of the 5,000 sippy cups that we have so early intervention suggested a juice box because I can squeeze the box and it will go up the straw. We have been working on that for about a month now. Well, today she sucked the juice up the straw. It takes so much for me to get excited and that did it! She is did it the entire time I was feeding her. It may seem like such a minor thing but it is a huge accomplishment. It's so great to see when some of the hard work that I put into her pays off!

In my last post I mentioned that Jay was taking a test to become certified in his field and he passed! We are so proud of him. Not many people could've done it but he did!

Unfortunately all of our excitement is going to come to a brief stop because the week after next is Molly's surgery. I'm kind of bummed that she's going to be recovering from her surgery (at home) for Easter but it is what it is. There's always next year.

Gotta run. Molly's pulling the leaves out of Jay's plant. Hope all is well!


1 comment:

  1. First it's the juice box... Next it's margaritas. Time flies when you love your baby... So excited for you :).
