Monday, February 13, 2012

Thank goodness for Keurig!

In my last post I said that I would have the results of Molly's Early Intervention assessment but I only have her gross motor and fine motor. For fine motor she is at a 7 month old level and for gross motor she's at an 8 month old level. Do I think it's accurate? No. She only scored 7 months on the fine motor because she wouldn't pick up the crayon and color on a sheet of paper and she if she's done with a toy she doesn't drop it down in front of her. She flings it to the side. Apparently that's something I need to work on with her. Let me add it to the endless list of things. For gross motor she has improved. She went from 4 months to 8 months. Do I think that is accurate? No. It's hard to evaluate someone that just wanted to be held and lay on the floor in front of me. But it is what it is and we'll just work on what I know she needs to work on. She is doing SO much better with standing. She's pretty stable now. She doesn't take any steps yet unless she's in her walker. She stands up in her walker and she'll take a couple of steps forward. Most of the time she just goes backwards but that's OK. Any step in the right direction is a reason to celebrate in this house. I was supposed to get the results of her communication portion but I had to cancel early intervention today. I'll explain in a minute.

Molly went for her last dose of Synagis. They have to weigh her before they give it to her because the dosage depends on her weight. The last time she was weighed was about a month & a half ago at Growth and Nutrition and she was 19 lbs, 12 oz. Now she's 21 lbs 14 oz. I never show excitement but if I did I would've jumped up and down. This is her heighest weight! Her pediatrician doesn't show excitement either and it really makes me mad but I'm over it. We have to go back to the pediatrician on Wednesday. Usually kids go back at 24 months but she wanted to see her before then and check in. I don't want to check in. She has very little say in Molly's care. She has a specialist for almost every part of her body. But I'll go, she'll charge the insurance company, I'll leave there pissed because she doesn't say how amazing Molly looks, how great she's doing, etc, then we'll be on our way.

And with all of the good comes the not so good. Jay started making Molly's babyfood. It's cheaper, better for her and he has nothing else to do ;)We had given her bananas and they didn't agree with her so we stopped. Then we started once a day. It's only bananas. Well, apparently she can't do once a day either. Jay fed her apples and bananas Saturday night then I fed them to her Sunday morning. Well, at about 7pm last night I noticed she only had one poop and it was solid which is never good for Molly. She needs to go a few times a day or we're going to have a long night and we did. We put her to bed at 8pm and she went right to sleep. She woke up fussing at 11 so I went up. Usually that means that she couldn't find her blankie and just needs to get tucked back in. Not this time. She wanted to be held. Every time I tried to put her back down she would flip out. I was trying to keep her quiet because I didn't want her to wake Jay since he had to get up at 5:30 for work. So I brought her down to the living room, turned Strawberry Shortcake on and she was like the happiest person on the planet. We watched one episode and went back upstairs. Well, it started all over again. I put Baby Einstein on and she didn't want that. Then I put Care Bears on and she was OK. Well, once that was over (at 4am) she got mad again and wanted to be held. I put Baby Einstein back on and she finally fell asleep at 5am only to wake up at 8am and was NOT happy. I couldn't calm her down so I ended up giving her a suppository. She carried on for another 45 minutes before she pooped. That was what she needed and what she probably needed all night. Now it's almost 1pm and she's still awake. I don't know how because I don't know how I'm awake! Thank goodness we have a Keurig. I was going to go to Dunkin Donuts but #1 I'm so tired, #2 I didn't want to take her out with her belly messed up and #3 I didn't want her to fall asleep in the car and wake up 10 minutes later wide awake and ready to go. Such is the life of being Molly's parents!!!
My favorite Valentine's Day gift ever!!

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