Friday, January 30, 2015

She Fights With Every Heart Beat!

I have been struggling with this post. The biggest reason is because I'm just so tired. My job has become pretty demanding and I've had to run Molly here, there and every where. She has a pretty busy schedule. She goes to school Monday - Thursday mornings. Then she goes to therapy Monday, Thursday and Friday. Every other Friday she also goes to a psychiatrist which will hopefully be coming to an end soon. I guess I'll start there. 

Molly has now seen a psychiatrist two times. She has given me some things to try when we out in what is a stressful situation for her. The problem is that we are so busy with everything else that we haven't had a chance to try it out. We are taking her to see Frozen on Ice next month and that will definitely trigger it so we will see if it will help. I was talking to another mom at therapy about her problem and she suggested not mentioning where we are going ahead of time because she may be getting herself so worked up by the time we get there that she becomes overly stimulated and loses control. Makes sense and we are going to try that. We had to go to therapy yesterday and I went a different way because I was afraid that back roads would be covered in snow. The entire way there she asked over and over again if we were going to see Christine and Heather. I could tell she was getting anxious and she didn't believe me until we turned down the street of the hospital. Then she was fine. I really wish I knew what triggered this, what is going on in the brilliant mind of hers when she gets worked up. If she could only tell me...

She had her appointment with ENT (ears, nose and throat). I was so worked up about this appointment. We don't have any answers but the doctor wasn't concerned. He checked her ears, nose and throat. I thought for sure he was going to find something wrong with her nose. one of her nostrils is smaller than the other. She had a breathing tube in one of her nostrils for 5 months so I thought for sure there would be damage but no. It looks great. We were concerned about her baseline congestion. She has always been this way and we don't know why. Her lungs sound great and it's definitely all upper airway. He thinks it's one of two things. Of course the second thing ends in surgery. He thinks that her nose isn't creating enough moisture. It gets clogged, causing post nasal drip, causing her congestion. We are going to try saline drops for 6 months. If that doesn't work we are going to take a look at her adenoids. He said they may be becoming inflamed, causing them to rub together, creating mucous and causing her congestion. In that case they will need to come out. Hoping of course that is not the case. It's hard to accept that decision because it doesn't effect her. She coughs, she clears. She sats 100%. Who knows!

She has been wearing her glasses for a little over a month and her eyes look great. Her head tilting has stopped which is the biggest sign that she is struggling to see. We will go back in March to see if they glasses are working.

She is doing great in therapy! Her speech therapist is thrilled with her progress. She said that she loves working with her because she can see her progress from one session to the next. Her therapist is great and we love her. She has really helped us a lot. She gives me some good things to work on with her and she is so great with Molly. PT is going well. She jumped off of a 12" step the other day. This is huge for her! I've even noticed a change in the way she runs. She's been lifting her knees higher and has picked up speed :) OT...well, I don't know. I don't have much to report. I'm not loving it. I don't see her benefiting from it. She dresses herself, she is getting better with eating. She does struggle with a grasping a pen but I don't know if that would require weekly visits. I do that think that we are both burnt out. She has been telling me that she's "all done" on the way there each week. She has had therapy every week, multiple times a week for 3 years. She has no extra curricular activities. I want to put her in dance or gymnastics but she's so spent from her week that I don't know if she could do it on the weekend. I really don't want her to look back on these times when she's older and resent me from making her do all this therapy with nothing fun. I know she needs it but she needs to be a kid too. I've really been struggling with this a lot lately. I just want her to be happy and she is happy at therapy but we (the three of us) have fought so hard to give her a happy, healthy and "normal" life and I question that that is what we are giving her. Nothing give me more pleasure than seeing her so happy. I love going to therapy because those other moms get what I'm feeling. They can help talk me through it. They get it. They get why I feel this way. I just wish they could tell me what to do. 

She has been enjoying all of the snow that we've had. She loves laying in it, throwing herself in it, throwing it, feeling it. She is so happy and that is what matters most! 

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