Friday, May 31, 2013

3 year visit!

Molly started at the outpatient rehab facility and we both love it! She is going to benefit greatly from going to this place. I really like the PT & Speech therapist. They aren't afraid to push her and that's what she needs. She had speech for the first time on Thursday. She took her into a room and I couldn't go back with her. I know it's because she would cooperate better if I wasn't there but it was still a little sad. It's the longest she has been out of our care (other than OR trips) since she's been home. I don't know how I'm going to send her off to preschool. It was the longest 45 minutes but she did great. She is working on using more signs which she is doing at home. She has a great app for the iPad and she will sit and look through the signs and do them on her own. Then she'll start using them and I'll have no idea that she knew them or what she was saying. Just this week she has been trying to imitate what we say which she hasn't been doing and it gives us so much hope..not that we ever lost it but some times we can't help but feel that it will never happen.

She does really well in PT. The PT is great. We see her twice a week. I'm allowed to go back with her for PT (thank goodness or I may have had an emotional breakdown at the facility that day :) ) but next week I don't think I will. When she doesn't want to do what is being asked of her she fusses and wants me to pick her up. So if I'm out of the equation she is more likely to cooperate.The PT does think that she will benefit from ankle braces but doesn't think she is far off from walking. We are going to discuss pool therapy next week. Her left leg is definitely weaker so we are supposed to encourage her to use her left leg when standing, kneeling, climbing the stairs, etc. and hopefully that will help to strengthen it. I can't wait to take her back next week!

Today was her 3 year wellness visit. She weighed in at 28 lbs, 6 oz and is 36" long. She is the 25th percentile for weight and 10-15th percentile for height. We discussed her developmental milestones, her feeding issues, having the g tube removed, etc. I told her that I wanted to see the orthopedic doctor so she is going to send over a referral. Hopefully we won't have to wait long for an appointment. She is also going to see an opthamologist since her eyes have never been checked. I have come to the conclusion that we are never going to be done to just cardiology! The pediatrician was pleased with her progress and growth. We discussed our wish trip to FL and she was telling me to make sure that we put a blanket on the seat for germs. Apparently she doesn't know who she is talking to. I explained to her that when we took Molly to an amusement park last year we disinfected the rides before she got on and we still put the seat cover on the shopping cart before we put her in. She agreed that we are doing everything right and the things we are doing are what is keeping her so healthy and fever free (knock on wood).
We are on week number 3 of sleeping through the night...WOO HOO! It's almost too good to be true. I forgot how great it feels to be well rested.

That's all for now.

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