Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My head is spinning!

We wrapped our Boston appointments last week. We met with Endocrine and came up with a discharge plan. Molly is currently on Levothyroxine for her thyroid disease. We believe she does not have "true" thyroid disease and it is cardiac induced from being so sick. Her thyroid levels have been stable for the past 2 years so the plan is that she will have labs drawn next month then we will stop her Levothyroxine once she turns 3. We will wait a month and have labs drawn again to make sure that her thyroid level remains stable and that should be it.

Last week Molly had her first dentist appointment. Her pediatrician wanted her to see a dentist before she turned 3 and it's so important for cardiac kids to have healthy teeth. It's important for anyone but more so for them. I had so much anxiety about this appointment because I knew she wasn't going to be happy. Everyone kept telling me that pediatric dentists have all kinds of tricks to help the kid. Umm...not true! I took her in and spoke to the dentist for a few minutes. She tried to take a look at her teeth from the chair and Molly was not having that so she sat on my lap and laid her head on the dentist's lap. She screamed the entire time which I guess was the trick everyone was talking about because then Molly kept her mouth open. She brushed her teeth, flossed them, put flouride on them and counted them and sent them on our way. She said her teeth looked good. They were slightly discolored which I figured since she only recently let me brush her teeth without a battle. They are also very crowded which we will also have to keep an eye on as she gets older. We can just add that to the "list of things to keep an eye on".

We were supposed to hear from the school system because she's supposed to start her therapies through the public school system once Early Intervention ends next month and I never heard back. Early Intervention tried to call them with no call back. There are two different types of preschool class rooms. The main stream class and the therapy class which is the one Molly would be in. Each class thought the other one was handling the paper work and neither of them were. So I stopped by last week to sign a consent to evaluate and they were going to call me back to set up 3 appointments for Molly's evaluations. No call back. I'm already not happy about sending her to preschool and they are not making me any happier about it. While we were there we spoke to the director of the special ed program and she asked me if Molly walked. I said "no". She thought she did because the therapists that came out to evaluate Molly said she did and that she didn't qualify for the therapy classroom. So that also has to be squared away.

I touched base with the outpatient therapy hospital that she'll be attending beginning in May and they are going to call back this month with an appointment for an evaluation. They seem very nice over there and I'm excited to start this program. I've heard nothing but great things about this place.

We have also been in touch with Make A Wish. I was talking to a guy that I used to work with who is a wish granter for Make A Wish and he thinks Molly would be a great candidate. I also spoke to her cardiologist and he said he would be more than happy to help us out. So we have started the process and I'm just waiting to hear if she has been accepted. The lady on the phone didn't sound too sure but we will wait and see. If she doesn't get accepted it's not the worst thing to happen. Sure we would love it if she did get accepted but if she doesn't, it just means that she is too healthy and that is never a bad thing. So we will wait and see.

Molly recently started walking short distances with a walker. We have tried so many times and each time she would have a meltdown. One day she just pointed to it so I took it out and off she went. Her left leg is still weaker but has come a long way. With practice it will get stronger. I took the walker to Early Intervention last Wednesday and they don't think she will need it for long because she looks so great using it. We are trying to figure out a way to get her a walker because we are currently using the one through EI and once she is done with them next month we have to give it back but I think we found a way to get it approved through the insurance. She spends most of her day standing and walking along while holding on. We still struggle with verbal communication but she is using signs and her own sign language to communicate. Our speech therapist is happy with the progress she is making so hopefully with time she will get there. Her sleeping is still horrible but I've stopped trying to figure out why and just accept the fact that I'm never going to sleep through the night again. It's been about a year and a half since I've slept through the night. I'm tired. But with plenty of coffee and a busy 2 1/2 year old I manage to get through the day. As for feeding, we are going on our 3rd month of not using the g tube. It hasn't been a struggle at all. She still won't bite into things. If I give her a sandwich I have to break it up because she won't bite a piece off. She will self feed with finger foods or snacks but not with a spoon. Although she has made so much progress over the last year we still have a long way to go but we are so proud of all that she has accomplished!

Molly Walking by herself!

We had a nice Easter. It was quiet. We spent it at my parents house. Molly got plenty of Easter baskets from her grandparents, uncle and friend..and of course the Easter Bunny. She didn't sleep well the night before so the day really could've been a disaster but she was pretty good.

We have also been very busy preparing for the NStar Walk for Children's Hospital Boston. We will be participating on June 9th. We are so excited to be taking part this year. Our team of walkers this year is so amazing. We have all been working so hard to raise funds and give back to the hospital that gave us everything. We are a little more than half way to our team goal. I can't thank these people enough for being a part of the most important day (aside from her birthday, of course). If you would like to make a donation you can do so here. If you can not, we completely understand and your love and support is more than enough!

NStar Walk Donation Page

Well, I think that's all I have for now. I hope everyone is doing well and has stayed healthy through the winter.

Thank you so much for always loving and supporting our miracle!


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