Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Baby Steps"

Molly has been very busy which makes us very busy. I have been working with her to pull herself up. She did it once months ago and never did it again. She would put one foot up but never went any further. So I put my hand on her bum for a little support and she would push off into a standing position. She finally did it by herself but would just stand in a split position rather than bring her feet together. Well, now she's a pro and does it all. She started pulling herself up in front of the TV...well, that really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Then she started doing it in her bed which is my biggest nightmare because she doesn't sleep as it is. And now she does it everywhere. This morning she greeted me by standing up in her crib. It kind of surprised me because she has never done it. She was like a normal little girl just standing there waiting for me to get her. Now she just needs to learn to get down. She will get down in her crib but she won't do it anywhere else. She has even started taking a few steps. Of course nothing comes without a whole new set of problems. Her ankles are so weak. Her left one is worse than the right one. We don't know if it's because she had a Broviac line in that leg and they had to cut the muscle but it makes sense and that's what we'll go with. Not that it matters what the reason is but we (Jay) always has to have a reason why. She is always rolling her ankle and standing on the inside of her foot. Since she's been standing more she has been correcting it but I think she's going to need braces for at least her ankles. We have an appointment with her pediatrician next month so I'm going to ask for a referral to see ortho. Every time I think we're done with a specialist we end up adding them back in but I know that she will benefit from it and she needs it.

We appealed Synagis (RSV Vaccine) and she was denied. I received a call from the insurance company telling me the pediatrician had sent in an appeal and asked me if I would like to add any type of information to help with the appeal. I asked what she had for a medical history and she said nothing. So I gave Molly's 30 page medical history and it was submitted. They denied her because she's over 2 and they couldn't justify making an exception and the pediatrician agreed. I have never met a pediatric doctor that doesn't advocate like this doctor. UGH! So we are going to stop play group on November 1st. Early Intervention wasn't happy about it but I really don't care. I know that some people are thinking that we can't protect her forever and I know that's true but I can protect her right now and that's what we're going to do. I've said it a million times that if she gets sick we are the ones that are up with her at night. If she ends up hospitalized we are the ones that sit there by her bedside. So say what you want but this is how it is. No play group! We are in the process of making our basement into a play room. Jay's been cleaning it out and it's almost ready to be painted so she will have her own day care center down there.

We had a new speech therapist start today. Molly seemed to like her. She'll like anyone that will blow bubbles at her. She had some different ideas so we'll see how it works.

Other than that, we've been trying to stay healthy and just keep making baby steps forward. She makes us so proud every day.

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