Thursday, September 6, 2012

She doesn't need me anymore...

Today was Molly's first day at her play group through early intervention. We obviously had some hesitations because we are crazy germ freaks (Jay is worse than me). But we know that Molly needs to socialize with other kids and after weighing the pros and cons we decided to give it a try. Molly hasn't been sleeping well, or at all so I today easily could've went either way. She was up until 12:30 last night and woke up at 7:15 on her own which was good because we needed to be there at 9:30. It's at a church just 5 minutes from our house. The second she saw another kid she was off and didn't even look at me once for the next hour and a half. The session started off with a half hour a free play. There was a small ball pit, some blocks and a few other toys. There was only one other mom there. There was a grandmother, a brother and a nanny so I guess my plan to find another mom to relate to was out the window. But that's not what was important. Molly loves to play with any type of ball so she went over to the ball pit which was just a baby pool filled with plastic balls. Molly is very loud. Especially when she gets excited. She has a high pitch scream which usually scares kids or adults if they're not paying attention. There was a little boy sitting in the ball pit and Molly did her scream, scared the little boy and he started crying. I was so emabarrassed but how do you tell her not be excited. She was following another little girl around and kept trying to pull her hair. Another little girl walked up to her and gave her a hug. Jay would've died if he was there. Everyone was saying "aww". I did an awkward ha ha and took Molly to play with something else. She had the best time and didn't want to leave. At one point I had to leave the room to change her diaper and she started crying but the second we walked back in she was happy again. It makes me feel a little better sending her off to preschool when the time comes because she's very attached to me so knowing she doesn't care about me when other kids are around makes me feel better. The teacher said that she did great and she is such a social butterfly, which she definitely does NOT get from me. I'm so happy that she loved it and I can't wait to take her back next week.

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